Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[eBookWorm Diaries] Novemberrific Reading List 2


The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown

By re-reading a book by Dan Brown, one that is part of the Robert Langdon series...I can't help but feel like I'm revisiting old friends. Friends who has been with me when I needed the diversion. Friends who has kept me awake at most part of the night. I wouldn't mind revisiting The Louvre, Westminster Abbey and all those other places in the story. A journey that would bring me closer to one of the most revered artist, Leonardo da Vinci.

Since I obviously know the outcome of this book, I can't help but pity Silas. I know, I know... He was..bad. But he can't help it, can he? All those things he did because he thought he was serving God...yes, some of the things he did were undoubtedly vile, but sometimes, religion...too much religion does this things to people. [better be spiritual]

Intermission: How I'd love to work for the Interpol. Hehe

The Louvre...how I wish I can visit you.

Note to self: look for a Salvador Dali painting

Ishtar...Astarte...Venus, good names.

Ok, another one I feel bad for. Sister Sandrine. Why must she die?

Da Vinci. I love you for your brilliance, but I love you more for your slyness.

I couldn't help but admire Sophie's courage. Girl power. Yay!

21:11- Need to read another book. One that wouldn't give me such a high adrenaline rush. I need to sleep and a Dan Brown book is certainly not the best sleeping draught in town.

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern

21:18 - Isn't it great to sleep while thinking about a good and tragic thing as love?

Haf, please, do take note of the dates this time. You've left me utterly confused the last time. Yours, Twinkle.

'The circus arrives without warning.' and now, be amazed. [side note: Adele's Someone Like You on the BG. How appropriate]

Clever Celia.

Right, Marco [ryt? I've forgotten his name] first met Isobel. Doesn't suit me. Take me for a hopeless romantic but I think it would've been better if he met Celia first.

Marco and Isobel's first kiss. It broke my heart. [i'm loyal to Celia]

'A show without an audience is nothing, after all'

Truth Or Dare. And the confusion starts with this chapter.

FEARSOME BEASTS & STRANGE CREATURES. The tent sounded like something out of a Harry Potter book.

I think The Night Circus would've made a great movie, the problem is...how would the producer and director give justice to such magnificent and intricate story. Good luck with that.

Time check. 22:25. Please please. A little bit more. I can't sleep 'til Marco and Celia have met.

"I am already married" - Celia [this, without even knowing Marco]

Horology. Now I'm back to Germany. Pleased to meet you Herr Thiessen. And how I want to see the clock you made for the circus. I wonder how dreamlike it is...

Auditory. Is it what I think it is? The chapter where the two of them meet? Please let it be. Though I think I wouldn't be able to sleep even if I wanted to.

'For a moment, while they look at each other, he cannot remember what he is meant to be doing, or why she is handing him a piece of paper with the number twenty-three written on it in his own handwriting' It is! And Marco is dumbstrucked. Hahaha. One more thing for Marco, no need to stutter my dear boy.

Time check. 22:51. Now I can sleep with a smile on my face. I'll revisit the circus tomorrow night, maybe. x


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