Saturday, November 17, 2012

[Book Rave] The Casual Vacancy - JK Rowling

The Casual Vacancy

Considered as one of the most anticipated and sought after book of the year, the first adult novel of JK Rowling revolves around a casual vacancy brought about by the death of Parish councilor Barry Fairbrother. The conflicts caused by his demise. To the council. To the community. To the families. To the people. To their selves.

Characters: 5/5

The best part of this novel (for me) is the characters. I have always been amazed by how JK Rowling come up with her characters. Especially in this book. The characters are very--human--there is just no other word to describe them. The characters are the type of people whom you meet on a regular basis. I don't know why, but it was the characters that made me love the book. I enjoyed putting my feet into their shoes...and trying to think the way they do.

Almost all of the characters left a mark on my head. Which doesn't usually happen. I tend to forget most of a book's character the moment I finish reading. But this one, is different. Even Pat, who only made what seemed to me a cameo, was very...uhm, remarkable.

But my most favorite character of them all was Parminder. Maybe because I find her lucky because she was Vikram's wife. No, seriously, I really did admire her...along with Samantha. Samantha may be a bit...I, maybe. I like her because I thought she was smart even at the early part of the book.

Story/Plot: 4/5

When JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series, she brought us AWAY from reality. It was a get away for all of us. But when she wrote The Casual Vacancy, she brought REALITY in our door step and slapped us with it.

Truth is, what I liked about the story was that IT was something that could happen to anybody, or it might be even happening to yourself. While reading it, I didn't think that JK Rowling was trying to make a statement, she was simply telling us a story in that detached tone of her. And afterwards, I just realized that she talked about a lot of social, moral, and personal issues we all have.

Another thing I liked about it is the unobvious distinction between the protagonists and the villains. In fact, I don't think there were any good or evil sides at all. Only humans. Humans who are capable of doing good or evil depending on their principle, their belief, their situations. It's up to us, readers, to decide on who's side are we on. I like it that we are given that choice.

Entertainment: 3/5

Wondering why I gave it a 3 when I'm obviously smitten by it? Simply because it's an adult novel and it IS given that in every adult novel there are at least a few parts in it where you find it dragging...quite boring, actually--to read. It's one of those things. Rule of the universe or something. But aside from that, I'm happy with the book. The time spent reading it was definitely worth it.

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