Thursday, January 24, 2013

Review: The Raven Boys

The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

that was GREAT!

Well, where do I start?
The prologue? Very very intriguing.
I just love books that knows how to tease, and can deliver to your expectations.

What do I think about the characters?
Hmmm * taps chin with index finger*
The Raven Boys. Intriguing. This is the time when I like boys/guys (?) shrouded in mystery. Gansey, Adam, Noah, and Ronan makes up a really weird clique (i don't mean weird in a bad way). They are so different from each other I always wonder how Gansey managed to keep them from killing each other. Surprisingly, they are at peace with each other and there is, in fact, genuine affection.
Blue, I thought was cool. A "battery" living with her "psychic" family? You can't get any cooler than that. And boy, I love her sensibility. I like a girl who knows how to use her brain.

The "love angle"?
Ok, we got ourselves a love triangle here. I think I would prefer Adam and Blue to be "just friends". The moment Blue saw Gansey's spirit in that ruined/old church, I jumped into their ship. Even though in this book, there is more Adam-Blue "cute" moments, I find the Gansey-Blue interactions more "intense". I can see sparks flying.

Any thoughts about the plot?
I am clueless about the ley line so I had a hard time grasping the whole story. But I'm learning. I guess I have to read more about it. Research Haf.

Would I still read the next book?

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review: Hush, Hush

Hush, Hush
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Actual rating: 2.5 (I'm generous today)

I'm not happy about it, ok?
Just wanna make things clear.
That GIF is actually my reaction when I'm reading the earlier parts of the book.
Was it supposed to be funny? (the chase between Patch and Nora), cause I was laughing the whole time I was reading it.

The verdict? Oh, this book is more of a 2 than a 3, but because I wasn't exactly disappointed with it, I will be generous. At least it has an actual plot, and the characters weren't stupid enough to annoy me, except Vee (I swear, I could have killed her).

It wasn't that bad, despite all the negative reviews I've read, but I don't think I'd still bother with the next book. The first book really took me a long time to finish, I don't think I'm up to something like that again.

P.S. Patch calling Nora "Angel" annoyed me.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review: The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first I was like....

then, afterwards...

I missed reading from this genre.
I absolutely loved it.

Hahay. Excuse me while I...

What a page turner!
I really wanted to finish this one as soon as possible.
I was so tempted to read the ending first before continuing with the whole book (spoiler).

Jason Bourne?
Or should I call him... David Webb?!

Honestly, I have this secret dream to be an assassin.
I just thought it was cool.
So I kinda admired Bourne (I'd call him that) for his skills. I want skills like that.

I must admit though that I have not understood the whole premise of the book. It may be that I don't have any idea about the war in Vietnam. Or how things work in the military, but I guess I picked up enough along the way to understand the important stuffs.

And Oh boy, I would gladly read the next book. I. SIMPLY. MUST.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Review: Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn
Darkness Before Dawn by J.A. London

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Surprise! Surprise!


Yeap ladies and gentlemen, I actually liked a book written in the heroine's point of view.

Well, it helped that Dawn is likable enough. She's not entirely stupid nor helpless. In fact, she is reasonable and tough. I know she's a teenager and an orphan so I would give some allowance for her if she kept some angst or whatever, which it turned out to be minimal. Of course she's in pain, but at least she doesn't go on sulking about it the whole time.

The plot was good, interesting enough, but I guess things happened too fast. I think that some weight should be put on some scenes by adding more detailed descriptions of what is really happening instead of some condensed version. I think that in a way, it lessens the importance of the scenes even if it is in fact crucial in the story.

Oh, and by the way. I would've preferred if the romance angle was toned down. A little bit of romance is good but too much cheesy part makes me want to gag.

All in all, I liked the book. I had fun reading it and I would still pick up and read the next book.

P.S. My favorite part?

"Are our uncles settled?"

Richard leans against one of the bed posts. "Coffins nailed shut."

"He's trying to be witty," Faith explains, rolling her eyes.

"You like my wit," Richard says.

"Not really." She spins on her heel and heads for the door.

See? I just love Faith and Richard. Cute couple. *eyebrows wiggle*

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Review: Fallen

Fallen by Lauren Kate

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book (or maybe the whole series) isn't for me.

Deep breath. As much as I want to rant, I wouldn't...Uhm, or maybe I would.

The line in the description that says this book tells us "the ultimate love story" is a sham. That statement is an insult to Shakespeare, Austen, Bronte and all those other authors who have written some of the best love stories.

I must admit, the plot was intriguing and very promising. However, the characters brought this book down.

Luce Price is just so damn annoying and even Daniel Grigori.

Luce was supposed to be very SMART and KIND, but I've never found any sign of her being SMART...or of her being kind. Ah, of course, with Penn? That wasn't KINDNESS for me, THAT was HUMANITY. Fine, I'd say this. The girl really pisses me off. I'm sorry but that's the truth. As what Miss Sophia said, she is nothing more than she appeared to be: “a stupid, selfish, ignorant and spoiled little girl who thinks the world live or dies on whether she gets to go out with some good-looking boy at school.” Miss Sophia couldn't have phrased it better.

Daniel? That guy is a big NO-NO! When he flipped Luce the first time he saw her, he definitely lost a million points in my hotness meter. I don't care what his reason was, that was very ungentlemanly of him. Besides, if he really loved Luce, how can he even afford to do that? He should've just left or something. No need for the bird.

But there were characters which I really-really-really liked *chirpy voice*, Like Penn, Arianne, Gabbe, Cam, and of course, my favorite: Miss Sophia. They sure made the book tolerable. And for the record, I don't think Luce deserve to be with Cam...even with Daniel. That's so MEH!

Most of the parts were very dragging. Except the prologue which of course creates the intrigue, and the part where Miss Sophia was trying to kill Luce. That was the best scene. I should've read the book straight on that part. I think the plot development was slow. Some of the parts seemed like fillers. There was also nothing new about the premises of the story, except the fallen angel thingy. So, even if I am curious about the story, I don't know if I'd still read the next book.

With that, I'll end this with my favorite line from the book. Said by Miss Sophia to Luce;

"... Even if your death wouldn't accomplish something so long-awaited, glorious, and grand, I'd still relish this moment, killing you."

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Review: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

That was it? My reaction after reading the book.

It wasn't laugh-til-you-drop kind of funny but I guess it was amusing enough to keep me entertained. It was definitely worth the time.

Ok, so I've learned some things about the, uhm, universe (?) after reading the book, here it goes:

- that in some part of the universe, it is perfectly normal to die out of shame
- Ix means a boy who is not able satisfactorily to explain what a Hrung is, nor why it should choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven
- Vogons got as much sex appeal as road accidends
- you can't panic when you're still culture shocked
- the answer to the ultimate question of the universe is 42.
- mice and dolphins are smarter than humans
- lastly, i need a towel

My thoughts after reading the book:

- I want to be in Arthur Dent's shoes. Inter-galactic travel sounds fun.
- I think the book made me a little bit crazier.
- It was hard keeping up with the different alien and planet descriptions.
- I want two heads like Zaphod. That way I can have two brains.
- There were parts when I felt my brain was going to explode, especially the parts where the book talks about computation...Probability sucks.
- I love the way Douglas Adams wrote the book. Very entertaining.
- I don't really get the whole book. Honestly. Do I need to review my physics?
- If this book was written with the story having no particular direction, I'd still read it. The whole thing was really-really-really enjoyable.

Lastly, my favorite quote from the book. Spoken by Zaphod (which happens to be my favorite character) to Trillian.

Okay, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several millions for good thinking, yeah?

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