Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: Slammed

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't even know how to rate this one.
It's good, yeah, great even...but, I liked it NOT because of Will and Layken's love story (which I think is the main theme of this book). What moved me (TO TEARS) was those side stories that I had read along the way; Will's parents and his early responsibility, Layken and her Dad, Layken and her mom, Eddie and her story. Oh god. Those stories really made me love this book, hard!

Will, I admire a lot. Layken, just fine. Actually, it was Eddie I really fell in love with. It's just that I can't relate with Layken. I mean, if I am faced with the same situation as hers, I don't think I would act that way. Well, I'm a different person. I really thought that Will did the right thing. I understand why he had to do all those stuffs.

Slam poetry. Le sigh. Never thought I'd fell for poetry. Wow. Colleen Hoover really know how to express emotions through words. Makes me want to watch Slam Poetry live. Another big sigh.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Review: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'd give it 5 for brilliance. What (or who) I hated was Henry Jekyll.

I enjoyed the part of the book where it explored the duality of man. But I also felt that it was, sort of, unfair.
See, Edward Hyde, devil incarnate, is pure evil. While Dr. Jekyll which is the other persona isn't exactly the opposite/other side of Hyde. In actuality, Hyde is part of Dr. Jekyll. I don't even think that Jekyll represents what is good and righteous. He is weak and selfish, which doesn't really differ him from Hyde. In fact, he IS WORSE than Hyde. At least Hyde doesn't have a choice except to do evil deeds, because he was made to be LIKE that. He WAS evil personified. On the other hand, Dr. Jekyll had a choice, but he still chose to let out the evil creature. I think he was blinded by his brilliance. I hated him for that. I don't think I have any sympathy for him.

I am still at a loss with regards to the ending. Did Hyde really committed suicide? Or did Jekyll found a way to get through him? How?

Anyways. It was good. T'was short. Would recommend this for a weekend read.

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Review: Something Strange and Deadly

Something Strange and Deadly
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Something strange and deadly is happening at Philadelphia....

This book is all kinds of....

Oh Steampunk, how I love thee?

The past and the present converged into one. Parasols, machinery, and zombies. Okay, this book has ZOMBIES (known here as the DEAD). I mean, ZOMBIES (whatevs haf -t) which I absolutely hate. They're ICKY! Ugh, so gross. I don't really like picturing out those scenes with the DEAD. I just can't. *shudders*

Moving on with the MAIN characters. Eleanor; simply adorable. Girl, I admire your courage and spirit. Never mind your curiosity, it hasn't got you killed...yet (loljk). Daniel; *dreamy eyes* Boy. I like men who loves to tinker. Joseph and Jie; two characters that made this book more interesting. I'd sure love to be part of the Spirit-Hunters.

The story. Kinda predictable to be honest. Especially the necromancer part. But at least it was action packed. I bet this would make into a great movie, just make the zombies look cuter and less gross (hehe).

The end? Bittersweet, and absolutely FITTING.

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Review: The Rise of Nine

The Rise of Nine
The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

O-kay. Another cliffhanger. Seriously, the whole series looks like ONE really-really-really LONG book.

What to say? I'm HAPPY. Yeah, because FINALLY, they are reunited.

It felt really great reading that part. But, I am also kinda annoyed that Four got reunited with Sarah. I just don't like her. Honestly. The story gets a little bit dramatic (and cheesy) every time she's there.

This book is entitled "Rise of Nine", and even though Nine showed some awesome fighting skills (especially against Four a.k.a. Johnny), it was Six who out shined them all. She showed courage, strength, intelligence, leadership, cunning, uh, almost everything. If there is one from the Garde who is supposed to take the place of Pittacus Lore, it should be Six and no one else. Sorry Four and Nine, feminist here. It's just that in the past three books, it was always SIX who showed so much, uh, potential. She's been consistent at being great. Saving John's ass at the first book, Marina on the second, then tried to take down Setrakus Ra alone on this book. Awesome girl.

We did get to know more about Eight and Nine and I must admit, I am now looking forward to a film adaptation of this book because I am curious (and excited) to find out who would portray them on the big screen. I'm sorry John, but I find Eight and Nine both hotter in different ways. Lezz wait until the novelty wears off. HaHa.

Anyways, Marina and Eight. Cute couple. I think their personality really fit each other. Six and Nine? Hah! I will be looking out for these two. If they end up together, I'm sure their story would be entertaining as hell. They both have strong personalities so things wouldn't be easy for the two of them. That is enough reason to look forward for the next book.

I'm curious about FIVE. Is it a she or a he?
If it's a he, would he be paired of with Ella? (But Ella is still too young). Or would he/she play as a third party to the current pairings?

P.S. And yeah, Setrakus Ra's scars....
Is there some kind of a connection between him and the rest of the Garde?

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Review: Gone Girl

Gone Girl
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Yeah. That was my initial reaction after reading the book. The twists and turns were enough to make me go psych-O.

Because isn't that the point of every relationship: to be known by someone else, to be understood? He gets me. She gets me. Isn't that the simple magic phrase?"

I do agree with Diary Amy. I think the most important thing about being in a relationship is TRULY KNOWING each other. Even if Nick and Amy's relationship is destructive at some point, in the end, they really HAVE to be TOGETHER. There is no other way. Because they KNOW each other INSIDE OUT. Isn't that fearsome? Thrilling? Absolutely beautiful?

This book really left me speechless. I mean, wow, would it be wrong if I UNDERSTAND why AMY did that? If I am more sympathetic towards her more than Nick. Because LET us ADMIT, Amy is f*ckin' BRILLIANT. And I do get her point. There are few things in this world worse than being cheated.

It was true that I'd had this feeling too, in the past month, when I wasn't wishing Amy harm. It would come to me at strange moments - in the middle of the night, up to take a piss, or in the morning pouring a bowl of cereal - I'd detect a nib of admiration, and more than that, fondness for my wife, right in the middle of me, right in the gut. To know exactly what I wanted to hear in those notes, to woo me back to her, even to predict all my wrong moves...the woman knew me cold. Better that anyone in the world, she knew me. All this time I'd thought we were strangers, and it turned out we knew each other intuitively, in our bones, in our blood.

It was kind of romantic. Catastrophically romantic.

Yes Nick, you couldn't have described it better.
Their relationship minus the dysfunctional part is something to be envied. Really envied.

I don't think I could write further without spoiling too much. I guess we should just all read it and judge it ourselves. Different people have different tastes and since this book is appealing to your psychology, it would be better if you read this one without any prejudice whatsoever. That way, you would be able to appreciate it more. Just a piece of my mind.

P.S. Let me just say this: I don't care if Tanner Bolt is a dickhead defender, I like him. He is definitely good at what he is doing.

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Review: Lady Chatterley's Lover

Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

No. I'm NOT giving this a ONE even if I'm tempted to.
Because I think I am NOT mature enough, experienced enough (whatevs) to read it. It wasn't bad. And yeah, maybe a BIT vulgar, but not really that scandalous (hey Haf, it was published on a different age -t).

Honestly, I am just so glad that I am FINALLY done with this book because at least I can move on from it. I just feel kinda sad since I am left feeling like I haven't got the essence of this book. Like I missed something important because I wasn't relating with it the whole time I was reading it.

Yes, in those times, maybe this book is something BIG. But nowadays, I don't think so. It just felt like some story about an illicit affair. It wasn't even a bit exciting because Clifford (at least I think so) doesn't really mind the affair. I think he was repulsed by the idea of the game-keeper BEING Connie's lover and NOT really because Connie cheated on him.

I don't know. It sounded unemotional, almost mechanical on me. Like, it's less passionate. The scenes which showed emotion were almost on borderline cheesy. But maybe, that's only for me.

Anyways, who knows? Maybe five, ten, fifteen years from now I'd pick this up and have a different view of it. Let's see.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

[Book Rave] Scarlet


Wow, Fantastic Baby!

Definitely the B-E-S-T!

If I am using gifs of my two ultimate favorite KPOP groups, then beware. Extreme spazzing ahead.


Lemme breathe in first.

Even without reading what Cinder was all about, the cover itself was enough to captivate me. After reading Cinder, I knew in my heart that I would go through with the whole series until the end.

Scarlet's cover is as beautiful as that of Cinder. Gorgeous, gorgeous covers. See, a good YA series doesn't really need a pretty girl in the cover just to catch people's attention.

New characters. We have been introduced to new characters in this book. The most important were Scarlet and Wolf, and yeah, Thorne. I liked Scarlet, (hey Haf, when did you ever disliked a kick-ass heroine?-t)with her red hood, strong personality, tough determination, and a good heart. Wolf, not much. I think I need to get to know more about him , but I'm warming up on him. It's not like it's his fault that he was like that. Thorne? No confusion on this one. I liked his playful nature. Yeah, I thought he was this happy-go-lucky-kind of guy, which in a way, he was. But let's admit it, without him (and his Rampion, ehem) Cinder wouldn't have survived being a fugitive.

Love angles. Scarlet and Wolf, I felt theirs was too fast. Unlike Cinder and Kai's which is up to now -still- a love story in the making. I wish we could have seen more of Wolf's confusion on his feelings for Scarlet or fulfilling his duties. Or even Scarlet's struggle between her growing feelings for Wolf and her anger for him because of his betrayal. 
Cinder and Kai. Ok, jealous Kai is jealous. One of my favorites from the book. Here's an excerpt:

"Kai neared his desk again, seeing that the fugitive's profile had been transferred to the screen. His frown deepened. Perhaps not dangerous, but young and inarguably good looking. His prison photo showed him flippantly winking at the camera. Kai hated him immediately."

See what I mean? Scenes like this one are to die for. Haha. (says the hopeless romantic in me)

Back to the story. Iko is back too, with a vengeance, if I may say so.
And still, Queen Levana is as hateful as ever, and yeah, Adri made an appearance. What a shame!

Scarlet and Cinder? Honestly, it was love at first sight for me on Cinder, so I really prefer her over Scarlet. But, I love Scarlet as well. Their confrontation on the Rampion was one of the best scenes, EVER. I mean, duh, two kick-ass heroines, arguing, both having a point. Wow-oh-Wow. I don't know which side to choose. Good thing they are both rational human beings and settled it well. 

Yeah, another thing that made me extra-happy. "Manila" was one of the four cities which were attacked during the last few chapters. I don't live in Manila, but hey, it's still part of the Philippines. So nice to read it mentioned in one of my favorite series. It is so easy to make me happy.

Ooh, and BTW, I do have a favorite scene (I have a lot actually, but this one is the most unforgettable):

Thorne coughed. "I'm still confused.
With a sigh, Cinder wilted onto a crate, staring down at her mismatched hands. She scrunched her whole face up, like preparing for a blow, and muttered. "I'm Princess Selene."
Thorne snorted and they all turned to him.
He blinked. "What, really?"
The joking smile froze on his lips.
A heavy silence was followed by a vibration beneath their feet and Iko's voice. "I don't compute."
"That makes two of us," said Thorne.

I finished reading it past midnight, but my energy level was so high, like I took 3 cups of coffee. I am so excited for the next book. Aigoo~~~2014, Wae so far? So now I'm....

For 2014. 

On the other hand...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Review: Etiquette & Espionage

Etiquette & Espionage
Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dear Steampunk, you might become one of my favorite genre. Too close.

I can never resist books about lady spies...or lady intelligencers as they like to call it. I am attracted by the idea of a finishing school where they also teach another type of "finishing". I liked Sophronia, really, with a name like that, who wouldn't like her?! She is as likable (and weird) as her name.

I would've preferred if they also focused more on their lessons, I thought it would've added some sort of entertainment. I am kinda new to the Steampunk genre, and I'm still adjusting, but as far as this book is concerned, I'm liking it so far.

I like it that this book doesn't really take a serious note. Like it was written for pure, unadulterated, fun. Which of course makes you enjoy the book while reading. I like it when a book doesn't stress me that much, especially if it's YA. And though there's a little bit something going on between Sophronia and Soap, I like the fact that romance was kinda toned down. But...I think there will be something in the future in store for the, uhm, Piston boy, which was involved in the end part, the one who have seen Sophronia.

All in all. It was a lightweight read, but FUN nevertheless. Makes me wanna read her other series, the Parasol Protectorate (something like that).

P.S. Wouldn't it be better if their SEDUCTION class were described as well? A little bit knowledge on that part wouldn't hurt, ayt?

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Review: Vaclav & Lena: A Novel

Vaclav & Lena: A Novel
Vaclav & Lena: A Novel by Haley Tanner

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There is really something about the way a book is written that captivates you. Like this book. I loved the way it was written, it sounded so naive, so innocent to me.

The tone makes you feel like you are reading something epic, something out of this world, something great. It maybe is. Or it may simply be a story of two young people in love, of this great connection that the two young lovers shared. Either way, it was a good story.

I don't know how to explain it, except that I was charmed by the book. By Vaclav. By Lena. By their magic. It makes you feel good after reading. Almost like you've just woken up from a fairy tale dream. (Yay, le hormones. Teh horror of your words Haf. ~t)

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Review: Shug

Shug by Jenny Han

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Seriously, do 12 year-old girls talk about being a femme fatale? a temptress? or of having a sexual relationship with someone? At that age? Aisht. Jinjja?

And what's with naming her Shug because of Shug Avery? As far as I know, The Color Purple isn't something that I would recommend for teens to read. Not that I've read it, but Ms. Google informed me enough.

As for the story, yeah, something about wanting to belong, figuring out yourself, and some stuff about falling in love, well, falling in love in the eyes of a 12 year old.

Sorry if I can't help repeating about Shug being just 12 year old, because I absolutely cannot accept the fact that a 12 year old is already plotting some seductive tactics. I mean, wow-oh-wow, the generation now is really different from what it used to be.

The writer really tried to tell this story in the tone of a 12 year old, in some ways it was succesful, but there are some things which I don't think can come out of the mind of a 12 year old. Or maybe I'm just a little bit tight and conservative to not consider that the world is changing and young people now know more that what young people before used to.

Anyways, I had fun reading it. It was short. It was young. Definitely not for my 21 year old safe but perfect for my 16 year old self that is lurking somewhere within me.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Review: Wallbanger

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely deserved that Pikachu gif.
Because it's cute, fun, and sexy. Not that Pikachu is sexy, but I think Pikachu is cuddly, the same thing I felt for this book.

Does it really deserve the 5 stars I'm giving it?
In some circumstances, maybe not, I mean, it's not really an important literary product, but I liked the book, I enjoyed reading the characters, it made me laugh, and what's the point of reading a fictional material of you don't get entertained?!

It's February, the love month, and I enjoyed the romance and the witty, and sexy banter between Caroline and Simon. Add in their fun friends in the mix, and you have something that would surely help you last the love month alone. LOL.

At first, I thought this one was erotica, but it wasn't, not really. Mild maybe, but for me it was more of a chicklit-kind-of-book, which are my guilty pleasures, thus the 5 stars. Anyways, I think it has been a long time since I've read this (around 2 weeks ago), and I cannot really recall the exact reactions I had after reading this except that I had fun all throughout the book. I also couldn't left this one out without giving it a piece because I feel I owe as much. Weird me.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Review: S is for Silence

S is for Silence
S is for Silence by Sue Grafton

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There might be SPOILERS ahead.

Can anyone please explain to me what just happened?

It has been a long time since I've read a book from the Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series. It felt so much like meeting with an old friend. I will forever adore Kinsey Millhone for she is an epitome of the woman I'd always wanted to be. She is independent, doesn't really care that much about vanity, loves Big Macs and Peanut butter and pickles, perfectly fine in living alone though get lonely sometimes (Hello? Being alone isn't exactly the best way to spend living in this maddening world). And though I don't really think I'd fall for a guy enough to be my Dad, I understand her "teen-crush-slash-puppy-love" for her landlord Henry. Heck, I even like her freakin' apartment.But the thing that I envy most about her is her smart-ass-ness, and of course she has a freakin' gun.

Technically, this is the first from the Kinsey Millhone series where Grafton used another point of view aside from Kinsey's own. In a way, it was a good thing since we are provided an insight on the other character's personalities. It also tells us stories which are unknown to even Kinsey. But unlike her other books, I noticed that this book has a lot of loopholes. There are a lot of things which needed an explanation but weren't provided by the author in the end.

I am used to Kinsey explaining what exactly happened with the case (usually in the last chapters or the epilogue), but this one provided more questions than answers. I think I get the motive of the killer, but I honestly can't figure out the connection on why that person was the killer just because he bought that dog. Why, Kinsey, why? Was it stated and I just missed it? Or was it really not explained?
Anyways, I'm a sucker for crime novels. Being a crime novel and providing me something that would exercise my brain cells will always deserve at least a 3 for me. Yeah, yeah, it's kinda unfair for other books in other genre, but I genuinely enjoy a good crime novel whether it was cleared up neat and tidy on the end or has left loop holes and loose strings for me to fill in, tie, or cut.

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Review: Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin

Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin
Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin by Bob Ong

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Nakakatawa pa rin ba?

Kung ikukumpara sa mga naunang libro ni Bob, hindi nga gaanong nakakatawa itong "Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin", pero nandoon pa din yung pinakapaborito kong elemento. Yung mga eksenang talagang mapapasabi ka ng "OO nga". Yung mga eksenang nagpapamukha sayo ng mga katotohanang matagal mo ng alam pero di mo lang narerealize, o talagang in-denial ka lang.

Base sa pagkakaintindi ko, ang librong ito ay tungkol sa kalagayan ng "movie industry" at marahil maging ang mga "TV and drama series" dito sa Pilipinas. May punto naman talaga si Ginoong Bob Ong. Lalo na yung patungkol sa mga dekalidad na Pelikulang Pilipino na ipinapalabas tuwing MMFF na walang nanonood. At yung mga pelikulang medjo di naman talaga pang MMFF ang kalidad pero dinadagsa ng mga tao dahil lamang sa aesthetic value nito. Kunsabagay, kaya naman tayo nanonood ng pelikula ay para aliwin ang sarili natin at panandaliang makalimot. Subalit, hindi ba mas maganda kung habang nanonood tayo ng pelikula ay may nakukuha tayong aral, at hindi lamang basta ang kabutihan ay laging nananalo laban sa kasamaan, o mali ang mangabit sa asawa ng me asawa?
Hindi ba magandang may makabuluhan tayong natututunan?

Naaliw din ako dun sa parte kung saan parang ini-isa-isa ng librong ito ang mga elemento ng karaniwang Pinoy Action Movie. Bentang-benta sa'kin yun. Lumaki kasi ako sa henerasyon kung saan uso yung betamax, at madalas, kung betamax lalo na pag nasa probinsya at maraming manonood o parokyano, eh action movie ang ipinapalabas. Kaya nga nung nabasa ko yung unang kuwento, sobrang relate na relate na ako. Para nga namang may formula.

Siguro nga sobrang hibang na hibang ako sa mga pelikula at teleserye dahil karamihan sa mga pasimpleng references at patama ni Bob ay nakakarelate ako. Nakakaaliw. Nakakabaliw. Ganun din yung pakiramdam ko sa librong ito. Gusto ko, OO. Pero parang may kulang pa. Nakakaaliw nga, nakakabaliw din. .

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