Monday, August 20, 2012

Multiply Blogs (Part 3)

argh! - Nov 13, '08 7:26 AM

i hate all of them!

damn it!

I CAN'T RELATE TO THEM! - Nov 23, '08 12:30 AM

"Don't tell other people that you are great, let them tell you who you really are.."

Smart people are classified into two (according to us..haha!); the Genius and the Studious, (and DJ) belongs to the latter (don't protest, it's my blog..haha!). But let's not talk about us, I'm tired of advertising myself, besides i don't need that..(chaka lang!)..

Let's talk about them..the STUDIOUS soceity, who are they?!.. They are the ones who exerts to much time and effort studying their lesson every night just to please their teachers and make their classmates look stupid the next day..those who cannot wait to go home just to read their textbooks and discuss it with the whole class on their next meeting..(which again make their classmates look stupid..), people who talks about assignment, research and projects every now and then as if it to be passed tomorrow..and lastly, they are the ones who doesn't have a REAL social life,,(nyaks..haha!)

I have NOTHING AGAINST them and I am not saying that those things are bad,it's just that, too much of something is dangerous, and in this case..very dangerous. Specially if these turns you into a meaner person.

It is very unhealthy for me to listen to them making simple things complicated and exagerrating every little details just to show the world that they are intelligent, bright and whatsoever! I'm sick of those who brag about themselves to other people and tell them how great they are just because they've answered not-so-tough questions, of those who underestimates everyone and believes that they are greater than them just because they are more popular and well-known.

I repeat..I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST STUDIOUS PEOPLES,,,(i just can't relate to them), but to those who praise themselves extravagantly...DAMN them!

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