19 Things you need to know about me... - Feb 2, '11 8:11 AM
Before leaving my teenage year, (though matagal pa yun) I want to write down 19 trivial things about me.
1. I have stitches on my left ear.
2. I almost drowned when I was in Elementary even though I know how to swim.
3. I don't know how to ride the bicycle.
4. My first favorite cartoon character was Hello Kitty, but I ended up falling in love to Spongebob Squarepants.
5. I love watching "BARBIE" movies. I usually get into fights with my siblings because of this.
6. I am obsessed with anything pink.
7. I love the water. I love swimming. :)
8. My favorite anime character is Conan Edugawa, but not Shinichi Kudo.
9. I started going to school at 2 years old. I literally grew up studying.
10. I'm obsessed with reading. I probably can't live without reading anything for one whole day.
11. I'm an evening person.
12. I'm a couch potato.
13. I'm a frustrated singer, dancer, actress...actually, I have a lot of frustrations.
14. My childhood dream was to be a doctor but I realized that I am afraid of blood so I dreamed of being an astronaut, a lawyer, a psychologist, a journalist, a tourist guide, and yet I ended up taking BS BIO...My life is a JOKE!
15. I DON'T watch horror movies.
16. I dream of going to Korea to see the "Full House"
17. I love reading mystery novels even though it makes me afraid afterwards.
18. I HATE--no actually its more of AFRAID--of being ALONE.
19. My favorite fairytale is Cinderella, and my most favorite Disney movie was Pocahontas, I cried a river when I first saw that film.
---So, here it is. The 19 things that everyone MUST know about me... :)
(My last blog post on Multiply. lmao)
Monday, August 20, 2012
Multiply Blogs (Part 4)
specially for Mamy.. - May 23, '09 12:36 AM
Hindi ko alam kung bakit, pero nauuso yata ngayon ang mga corny jokes at pick.up lines, kahit saan kasi..eh maririnig mo ang mga linya at hirit nato... Minsan nga..malilito ka kung anong dapat mong maging reaction, kumg matatawa ka ba? magagalit o maaawa na lang sa nag.deliver..Eto ang madalas kong problema pag humihirit na ng mga corny jokes at pick.up lines ang mga kaklase ko, kaibigan, professor..lalong-lalo na si mamy (well, itago na lang ntin xa sa codename na 'yan..)...
Eto yung halimbawa ng joke na ma.coconfuse ka kung ano dapat mong i.react..
*Courtesy of Mamy at kay Sisy..sa txt..
Mamy: I hug you..(emo.emohan kasi c sissy that tym ei..)
Sissy: Pig ko **e**, mais.mais.mais!
Mamy: Ngano baboy man ka?
Sissy: Isipa na lang gud **e**, hug=hog...
(My goodness...pls connect?!)
Madalas din..may sariling language ang mga corny at sila.sila lang din ang ngkakaintindihan..tulad nung nangyari sa isang klase namin this summer..kay Mamy ulit..at kay Sir P....
Sir P: (nagtanong sa klase) Unsa sa English ang Iro nga naligsan?
(tahimik ang klase, walang makasagot)
Sir P: Eh di dog-mok...
Sir P: Unsa na pud sa English ang iring nga naligsan?
Mamy: Cat-ag!
(wow..nagkasinabtanay jud ang duha...)
Sir P: En ang isda nga naligsan?
Mamy: Fish-at!
Whew..no comment na lang!hahaha..
Pauso din ni Mamy ang sarili nyang dictionary...Sa palagay ko, kung magiging translator xa.. mas lalong hindi magkakaintindihan...Eto sample..
DUSTPAN - abog-kalaha
FEATHER DUSTER - balahibong taga-abog
FACEBOOK - mukhang-libro
BIOGESIC - ingat!
But then..mukhang natututo na xa ngaun..improving!
Eto ung pinaka.nakakaaliwng hirit nya..
Nagdidiscuss kami tungkol sa seating arrangement namin sa van nung nag.firld trip kami sa Davao, lahat kasi..gusto sa may bintana..eto hirit nya..
Mamy" Gusto man 'ta tanan sa bintana..mag.jeep na lang ta ei..
.peace mamy..
Lab.layp ng mga NBSB.. - Jun 19, '09 9:52 AM
.the title sEems irOnic..hOw cAn an NBSB have a lovelifE?!wELl who says they cAn't have?! Havin' a lovelifE dOesn't mEan having a boyfriEnd..as loNg as it's aBOUt uRe relatioNsHip with the oPpoSite sEx..it may be cOnsidEreD a laBLayp oN my oWn pRivAte dictioNary..
.nOw..why oN eaRth am i talKing aBOUt tHis?!whY nOt gO strAiGht to thE tOpic..
.i miGht as wELl stArt wRiting aBOUt thE rEAL idEa of this bloG bEfOre i totALly fOrgEt aBOUt it..
.i guEsS i have to intrOduCe fiRst thE NBSB's..of coUrSe i'Ll hYd thEm in cOdEnAmEs..aNd mEntiOn thE bOis in thEir lifE..
.1st oN thE list iS my dEar fRiEnd 'it' (let's caLl hEr that way)..shE iS obvioUsly an NBSB..bUt shE has lots of admirerS and stALkErS.bUt thEre aRe sOme instances in wHich shE becOmes the admirEr..
-The STALKERS gRoup.as much as poSsible i dOn't wanNa talK aBoUt thEm..i jUst hate them..
-yAgit.wE'Ll hE's totALly niCe aNd 'it' cAn't afFord to bE mEan at him even thOuGh shE dOesn't like hiM at aLl and s0mEtimEs iRritAteD with him..
-thE gOrgEous.hE iS rEALly gOrgEous as matTer of fAct..and maybe tHiS is oNe of the rEasOns of his airy atTitUdE.
-thE ex.bf.my 1st bEt..i sO likE tHis fOr 'it'..bUt thEn..hE dOesn't have the courage enOuGh to bEtray hiS fRiEnd fOr the sake of hiS haPpinEsS..
-thE cLosE.fRiEnd. This is my secOnd bEt..and as of nOw..the oNe that i'm hELping..weLl, hE's a niCe gUy..hE's intELliGent enOuGh..and hE trEats mE..haha!
-the man.of.her.dReams..i dOn't reALly want to cOmMent oN tHis..hE is cUte..uNiqUe, smArt..and a jErk sUmtyMs..i dOn't tHnk he knOws hiS pRiOritiEs..hE caN't evEn mOve oN frOm hiS fiRst love..
-thE eLy.bUeNdia. The aLmOst pErfEct gUy..bUt the faRthEst and mOst uNrEaChAbLe of thEm aLl..
.nExt NBSB:'the royALty'..nOw..i w0n't enUmErate the boys in hEr lifE wHich aRe sErioUsly into hEr riGht nOw..i dOn't want to ruin watever they have riGht nOw..i'Ll just state here hEr crushes?!(i dOn't knOw if shE'lL agReE to the term usEd).
-The crush2x.an.this bOy iS taLentEd..hE cAn sing..hE cAN daNce..bUt hE dOesn't know hEr.
-the eyeglasSes.this bOy iS sMart and gUdLUcking..and dEfinitELy yOunger than her..
-the lowEr.yEar. WelL..I'Ll pUt tHiS oN her oWn wOrds 'cUte man c .tOot. Kya lng yAgIt!'..
-thE rEAL cRush.wELl..hE's a bit mALdito bUt hE's cUte..and hE's rELiGi0us(i tHnk) and kinD..hE's piLyo and hE's nEat..AND hE's sEmi.tAken..
.the NBSB fOreVer..'jan.di'..
hEr Past.he's rEALly a veRy intELliGent peRsOn bUt he is aLso very fAr.away..litEralLy,
HER pResent..hE's hEre..thEy're fRiEnds..vEry cLosE..wE tease them bUt they dOn't take us sEriOusly..
HEr fUtUre..is pResently in.love with soMebody.
Her new textmate..dOesn't sEem to cAre as of nOw..
Her soulmate..dOesn't knOw that they're supPose to be together..
Her fiRst kiSs..is busy stUdying..and is aLrEady takEn..
.thE last oN the list of thE NBSB..ME!
.i never had a boyfriend bUt i have two ex.es..
.ex.hUbBy..wEre div0rcEd..hE has an othEr wOmAn..i taLkeD 'bOut him oN my 1st bLog i tHink..
.ex.lAb.tEam..am bAck tO hiM..he's a man with a very goOd sEnse of humOur..and am reALly enj0ying my cOLlege lyf and he's oNe of the reasOns whY..I HOPe he realizes that..he beloNgs with mE..
Hindi ko alam kung bakit, pero nauuso yata ngayon ang mga corny jokes at pick.up lines, kahit saan kasi..eh maririnig mo ang mga linya at hirit nato... Minsan nga..malilito ka kung anong dapat mong maging reaction, kumg matatawa ka ba? magagalit o maaawa na lang sa nag.deliver..Eto ang madalas kong problema pag humihirit na ng mga corny jokes at pick.up lines ang mga kaklase ko, kaibigan, professor..lalong-lalo na si mamy (well, itago na lang ntin xa sa codename na 'yan..)...
Eto yung halimbawa ng joke na ma.coconfuse ka kung ano dapat mong i.react..
*Courtesy of Mamy at kay Sisy..sa txt..
Mamy: I hug you..(emo.emohan kasi c sissy that tym ei..)
Sissy: Pig ko **e**, mais.mais.mais!
Mamy: Ngano baboy man ka?
Sissy: Isipa na lang gud **e**, hug=hog...
(My goodness...pls connect?!)
Madalas din..may sariling language ang mga corny at sila.sila lang din ang ngkakaintindihan..tulad nung nangyari sa isang klase namin this summer..kay Mamy ulit..at kay Sir P....
Sir P: (nagtanong sa klase) Unsa sa English ang Iro nga naligsan?
(tahimik ang klase, walang makasagot)
Sir P: Eh di dog-mok...
Sir P: Unsa na pud sa English ang iring nga naligsan?
Mamy: Cat-ag!
(wow..nagkasinabtanay jud ang duha...)
Sir P: En ang isda nga naligsan?
Mamy: Fish-at!
Whew..no comment na lang!hahaha..
Pauso din ni Mamy ang sarili nyang dictionary...Sa palagay ko, kung magiging translator xa.. mas lalong hindi magkakaintindihan...Eto sample..
DUSTPAN - abog-kalaha
FEATHER DUSTER - balahibong taga-abog
FACEBOOK - mukhang-libro
BIOGESIC - ingat!
But then..mukhang natututo na xa ngaun..improving!
Eto ung pinaka.nakakaaliwng hirit nya..
Nagdidiscuss kami tungkol sa seating arrangement namin sa van nung nag.firld trip kami sa Davao, lahat kasi..gusto sa may bintana..eto hirit nya..
Mamy" Gusto man 'ta tanan sa bintana..mag.jeep na lang ta ei..
.peace mamy..
Lab.layp ng mga NBSB.. - Jun 19, '09 9:52 AM
.the title sEems irOnic..hOw cAn an NBSB have a lovelifE?!wELl who says they cAn't have?! Havin' a lovelifE dOesn't mEan having a boyfriEnd..as loNg as it's aBOUt uRe relatioNsHip with the oPpoSite sEx..it may be cOnsidEreD a laBLayp oN my oWn pRivAte dictioNary..
.nOw..why oN eaRth am i talKing aBOUt tHis?!whY nOt gO strAiGht to thE tOpic..
.i miGht as wELl stArt wRiting aBOUt thE rEAL idEa of this bloG bEfOre i totALly fOrgEt aBOUt it..
.i guEsS i have to intrOduCe fiRst thE NBSB's..of coUrSe i'Ll hYd thEm in cOdEnAmEs..aNd mEntiOn thE bOis in thEir lifE..
.1st oN thE list iS my dEar fRiEnd 'it' (let's caLl hEr that way)..shE iS obvioUsly an NBSB..bUt shE has lots of admirerS and stALkErS.bUt thEre aRe sOme instances in wHich shE becOmes the admirEr..
-The STALKERS gRoup.as much as poSsible i dOn't wanNa talK aBoUt thEm..i jUst hate them..
-yAgit.wE'Ll hE's totALly niCe aNd 'it' cAn't afFord to bE mEan at him even thOuGh shE dOesn't like hiM at aLl and s0mEtimEs iRritAteD with him..
-thE gOrgEous.hE iS rEALly gOrgEous as matTer of fAct..and maybe tHiS is oNe of the rEasOns of his airy atTitUdE.
-thE ex.bf.my 1st bEt..i sO likE tHis fOr 'it'..bUt thEn..hE dOesn't have the courage enOuGh to bEtray hiS fRiEnd fOr the sake of hiS haPpinEsS..
-thE cLosE.fRiEnd. This is my secOnd bEt..and as of nOw..the oNe that i'm hELping..weLl, hE's a niCe gUy..hE's intELliGent enOuGh..and hE trEats mE..haha!
-the man.of.her.dReams..i dOn't reALly want to cOmMent oN tHis..hE is cUte..uNiqUe, smArt..and a jErk sUmtyMs..i dOn't tHnk he knOws hiS pRiOritiEs..hE caN't evEn mOve oN frOm hiS fiRst love..
-thE eLy.bUeNdia. The aLmOst pErfEct gUy..bUt the faRthEst and mOst uNrEaChAbLe of thEm aLl..
.nExt NBSB:'the royALty'..nOw..i w0n't enUmErate the boys in hEr lifE wHich aRe sErioUsly into hEr riGht nOw..i dOn't want to ruin watever they have riGht nOw..i'Ll just state here hEr crushes?!(i dOn't knOw if shE'lL agReE to the term usEd).
-The crush2x.an.this bOy iS taLentEd..hE cAn sing..hE cAN daNce..bUt hE dOesn't know hEr.
-the eyeglasSes.this bOy iS sMart and gUdLUcking..and dEfinitELy yOunger than her..
-the lowEr.yEar. WelL..I'Ll pUt tHiS oN her oWn wOrds 'cUte man c .tOot. Kya lng yAgIt!'..
-thE rEAL cRush.wELl..hE's a bit mALdito bUt hE's cUte..and hE's rELiGi0us(i tHnk) and kinD..hE's piLyo and hE's nEat..AND hE's sEmi.tAken..
.the NBSB fOreVer..'jan.di'..
hEr Past.he's rEALly a veRy intELliGent peRsOn bUt he is aLso very fAr.away..litEralLy,
HER pResent..hE's hEre..thEy're fRiEnds..vEry cLosE..wE tease them bUt they dOn't take us sEriOusly..
HEr fUtUre..is pResently in.love with soMebody.
Her new textmate..dOesn't sEem to cAre as of nOw..
Her soulmate..dOesn't knOw that they're supPose to be together..
Her fiRst kiSs..is busy stUdying..and is aLrEady takEn..
.thE last oN the list of thE NBSB..ME!
.i never had a boyfriend bUt i have two ex.es..
.ex.hUbBy..wEre div0rcEd..hE has an othEr wOmAn..i taLkeD 'bOut him oN my 1st bLog i tHink..
.ex.lAb.tEam..am bAck tO hiM..he's a man with a very goOd sEnse of humOur..and am reALly enj0ying my cOLlege lyf and he's oNe of the reasOns whY..I HOPe he realizes that..he beloNgs with mE..
Multiply Blogs (Part 3)
argh! - Nov 13, '08 7:26 AM
i hate all of them!
damn it!
I CAN'T RELATE TO THEM! - Nov 23, '08 12:30 AM
"Don't tell other people that you are great, let them tell you who you really are.."
Smart people are classified into two (according to us..haha!); the Genius and the Studious, fortunately..me (and DJ) belongs to the latter (don't protest, it's my blog..haha!). But let's not talk about us, I'm tired of advertising myself, besides i don't need that..(chaka lang!)..
Let's talk about them..the STUDIOUS soceity, who are they?!.. They are the ones who exerts to much time and effort studying their lesson every night just to please their teachers and make their classmates look stupid the next day..those who cannot wait to go home just to read their textbooks and discuss it with the whole class on their next meeting..(which again make their classmates look stupid..), people who talks about assignment, research and projects every now and then as if it to be passed tomorrow..and lastly, they are the ones who doesn't have a REAL social life,,(nyaks..haha!)
I have NOTHING AGAINST them and I am not saying that those things are bad,it's just that, too much of something is dangerous, and in this case..very dangerous. Specially if these turns you into a meaner person.
It is very unhealthy for me to listen to them making simple things complicated and exagerrating every little details just to show the world that they are intelligent, bright and whatsoever! I'm sick of those who brag about themselves to other people and tell them how great they are just because they've answered not-so-tough questions, of those who underestimates everyone and believes that they are greater than them just because they are more popular and well-known.
I repeat..I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST STUDIOUS PEOPLES,,,(i just can't relate to them), but to those who praise themselves extravagantly...DAMN them!
i hate all of them!
damn it!
I CAN'T RELATE TO THEM! - Nov 23, '08 12:30 AM
"Don't tell other people that you are great, let them tell you who you really are.."
Smart people are classified into two (according to us..haha!); the Genius and the Studious, fortunately..me (and DJ) belongs to the latter (don't protest, it's my blog..haha!). But let's not talk about us, I'm tired of advertising myself, besides i don't need that..(chaka lang!)..
Let's talk about them..the STUDIOUS soceity, who are they?!.. They are the ones who exerts to much time and effort studying their lesson every night just to please their teachers and make their classmates look stupid the next day..those who cannot wait to go home just to read their textbooks and discuss it with the whole class on their next meeting..(which again make their classmates look stupid..), people who talks about assignment, research and projects every now and then as if it to be passed tomorrow..and lastly, they are the ones who doesn't have a REAL social life,,(nyaks..haha!)
I have NOTHING AGAINST them and I am not saying that those things are bad,it's just that, too much of something is dangerous, and in this case..very dangerous. Specially if these turns you into a meaner person.
It is very unhealthy for me to listen to them making simple things complicated and exagerrating every little details just to show the world that they are intelligent, bright and whatsoever! I'm sick of those who brag about themselves to other people and tell them how great they are just because they've answered not-so-tough questions, of those who underestimates everyone and believes that they are greater than them just because they are more popular and well-known.
I repeat..I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST STUDIOUS PEOPLES,,,(i just can't relate to them), but to those who praise themselves extravagantly...DAMN them!
Bigbang: 6 Fantastic Years
For the full video watch here
A big thank you to YGTV101 (on Youtube) and ichie39 (on Dailymotion) for making the video..and sharing it to us fellow VIPs.
Words are not enough to express the different emotions I've felt while watching the video.
Watching Bigbang's history-their music, their friendship, the trials, and the triumphs-makes me feel SO proud and thankful that I am a VIP.
I may not be there when the boys started, but now...I will be a VIP, until whenever.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Multiply Blogs (Part 2)
nAng akO aY mAg.biO.. -
hEre in MSU-GSC is a vEry sUddEn dEciSion.evEn in mY wiLdeSt
dReams..hNdi xA sUmagi..aNd tAking uP BS.BIO wAs nEvEr mY pLan,,bUt
thEn..fAte brOught mE hEre.. sA cOursE nA tO..nArAnAsan kOng tUmAwa at umiyak..haha.. nUng 1st yEar,1st sEm.. hMp..nRanasan qNg mG.dRawing nG mApa nG piLipinAs aNd lAbeL aLl thE pRovincEs,,haha,, aNg mG.rEpOrt nA tinUtuLugAn nG tEachEr.. aNg mKa.bAsag nG aLcOhOL lAmp at mUntik nG mkA.sUnog nG lboratoRy.. aNg mAg.3 minUte stEp.tEst..aNd i mAde it!haha,, lEarn spAniSh dUriNg oUr eNgLish 1 sUbjEct, aNg mbALiw nG dHL sA vErbAL pRobLems sa mAth.. aNd mOst of aLl mY fiRst evEr fLat 1(aNd mAybe tHe lAst..haha!),,sa CWTS!haha.. at nUng 2nd sEm.. aNg mG.disEct nG fRog..aCtuALly..aUdiEnce lnG aqU thAt tYm,haha! dOing cRoSs-sEctiOns..whEw..laLo nA anG lEaf.. aNg mAsaRhan nG pintO sA cHEm..tO think nA mAs mRmi kMi sA labas.haha! gUmAnap nA dArna sA fiLipino I prEsentAtion,,haha! nArEaLize kOng cALcuLus is eAsier thAn AlgEbrA..haha! at xEmpre aNg mAgsayAw at umiyAk nG dhL sA PE 2,,whEw!at lEast wE wOn! haha..ndAan sa dRama.. aNd of cOurSe..i mEt jEatEr hEre!haha,, wLa lnG!wLa lnG kO'y mAhimo!haha! |
Multiply Blogs (Part 1)
wHy whOLsA?! - Jun 19, '08 4:17 AM
It stArtEd oNe mOndAy oR thUrSdAy mOrning (i'm nOt rEAlly sUrE..bUt i knOw itS sUpPOsEd tO bE oUr eLem.oRgAnic cHem cLass bUt oUr tEachEr wAs nOt yEt arOUnd).sHeiLa 'tOot',dONna,tim aNd mE (im nOt sUrE if tHerEsa wAs thErE).. wEre dOing oUr usUaL chit.chAttiNg sEssiOns whEn oUt of nowhEre,,sHeiLA tOot jUst bLurtEd oUt "ui hafs, fUtuRe hUsbAnd mO oh..nKa.yEllow" aNd hEr eyEs lOokinG at tHe grOup of eNginEeriNg stUdEnts stAyiNg at a kiOsk nEAr uS..oUr initiAL rEactiOn wAs aLso tO lOok at tHem aNd fiNd oUt whO's wEaring a yELlow sHiRt..aNd it wAs ***a*.. mY rEactiOn wAS.. "tOot, abnOrmAl lgi kA ai..ngAnO mAn?!" sHe rEpliEd.."db bEfOre piRmE mAn nimO ginA.inGon nA tnAn nGA mAtALinO abnOrmAL,dB..xA mAn tO?!"...
tHey stArtEd cALling him hUsbAnd bUt thEn thEy reALized it wAs tOo lOng aNd usEd "hUbby" instEad.thEy teAsEd mE tHe whOle dAy untiL aLmOst evEryOne knOws abOut mY "hUbby" iSsuE..bUt nOt wHo mY "hUbby" iS.. Mif fOrcEd (i rEaLly mEan fOrcEd,,oR pwdE diNg tOrtUre) mE tO tELl him wHo mY "hUbbY" is.. rUsH aNd lOvELie aSkEd 'tOot'.. mAe aCtUaLly hAd tHe riGht gUEss,bUt dOn aNd i jUst lAugHed wHen sHe mEntiOnEd hiS nAmE..aftEr hOw mAny dAys wE dEcidEd tO tELl hEr (siNce, i tHnk sHe aNd brEnt aRe tHe onLy pErsOn hU dOesn't knOw abOut mY "hUbby's" rEaL idEntitY) aNd brEnt hU wAs aLso thEre lAuGhEd oUt lOud..haha!dOnnA thEn stArtEd cALling mE wHOlsA A. (sHe cALls mE hAfsA T. bEfOrE), becAuSe aCcOrdiNg tO hEr..im cOmpLete nOw..bEcaUse oF "hUbbY".
nOw..itS nOrmAL fOr mE tO hEar thEm sAy.. "ui..in.lOve xA kAy hUbby, bUrgEr nAmAn jAn" oR "ui..nkitA nAmin c hUbbY..nkA.bLuE (or wAtevEr cOlOr hE's weAring). I actuALly find it fUn fOr mE siNcE it dOesn't dO aNy hArm, unlEss hE wOuLd fiNd oUt (hOpefUlLy nOt..dLi jUd qO mGpAkitA sA iLAha..if mbAL.an nLA ni..). bEsidEs wAt mOre cAn i aSk fOr..lYk wAt dOnn sAid "mAtaLino, mAbAit, mAyaMan..mAy itSuRa"... haha..wEird nGA lnG..
y i enjOy this sEmEstEr?! -
kApOi na kAau..huhu!
BIODIVERSITY!..wHew..whAt's with tHe quEstions?!..mAs okEi pA qNg pUmapasOk nA lng c siR..lEss gAstOs pA, mAs eNjoyAbLe..at hgit sa lhAt..wLang pAng.nOse.bLeed na qUestiOns,,haha!
ORGANIC CHEM..pnAka.eNjOyAbLe nA cHem evEr!haha..with aLl thE icE.brEakErs.. pEo nA tAgam nAq..pRamis..nExt exAm.. mAg.stUdy nAq..haha.. ShIT na rUbic's yAn..haha!
ENGLISH II..hMp..untiL nOw,,hNdi qU pA dN nAfifigUre.oUt qNg anU mGiging tOpiC qU sA tErm.pApEr..bUt at lEast..dAmi aQng cHoicEs..tHe mOre..thE mErriEr!haha.. i aLso lovE thE seLection..the onE thAt aRchy wrOte,,haha..lingaw abi..
ENGLISH III..orAL cOm..whEw..ALl thOse tOngUe twistErs! I dEfiniteLy lovE it..
at xEmprE aNg activitiEs aNd prEsentAtion..haha! evErybOdy knOws nMan na wE are BS BIO mAjor in any pResEntAtion..haha!
HISTORY V..nkakapanibAgO! Binan,binan,binan..oh yeah!..hAhA!
PHILO I..or AstrOnOmy?!cOnfUsinG?!
PE III..whEw..aNg gLing nA nAmin mG.bOwLing..haha!pEo tHeOries lnG.. nOthing whEn it cOmes tO thE rEal thinG..haha!
bUt i'd prEfEr hAvinG oL of thOse sUbjECts..rAthEr thAn hAving bOth aUnt lEtty aNd aUnt kELly agEn!wE nEed sOme bReak..haha!
It stArtEd oNe mOndAy oR thUrSdAy mOrning (i'm nOt rEAlly sUrE..bUt i knOw itS sUpPOsEd tO bE oUr eLem.oRgAnic cHem cLass bUt oUr tEachEr wAs nOt yEt arOUnd).sHeiLa 'tOot',dONna,tim aNd mE (im nOt sUrE if tHerEsa wAs thErE).. wEre dOing oUr usUaL chit.chAttiNg sEssiOns whEn oUt of nowhEre,,sHeiLA tOot jUst bLurtEd oUt "ui hafs, fUtuRe hUsbAnd mO oh..nKa.yEllow" aNd hEr eyEs lOokinG at tHe grOup of eNginEeriNg stUdEnts stAyiNg at a kiOsk nEAr uS..oUr initiAL rEactiOn wAs aLso tO lOok at tHem aNd fiNd oUt whO's wEaring a yELlow sHiRt..aNd it wAs ***a*.. mY rEactiOn wAS.. "tOot, abnOrmAl lgi kA ai..ngAnO mAn?!" sHe rEpliEd.."db bEfOre piRmE mAn nimO ginA.inGon nA tnAn nGA mAtALinO abnOrmAL,dB..xA mAn tO?!"...
tHey stArtEd cALling him hUsbAnd bUt thEn thEy reALized it wAs tOo lOng aNd usEd "hUbby" instEad.thEy teAsEd mE tHe whOle dAy untiL aLmOst evEryOne knOws abOut mY "hUbby" iSsuE..bUt nOt wHo mY "hUbby" iS.. Mif fOrcEd (i rEaLly mEan fOrcEd,,oR pwdE diNg tOrtUre) mE tO tELl him wHo mY "hUbbY" is.. rUsH aNd lOvELie aSkEd 'tOot'.. mAe aCtUaLly hAd tHe riGht gUEss,bUt dOn aNd i jUst lAugHed wHen sHe mEntiOnEd hiS nAmE..aftEr hOw mAny dAys wE dEcidEd tO tELl hEr (siNce, i tHnk sHe aNd brEnt aRe tHe onLy pErsOn hU dOesn't knOw abOut mY "hUbby's" rEaL idEntitY) aNd brEnt hU wAs aLso thEre lAuGhEd oUt lOud..haha!dOnnA thEn stArtEd cALling mE wHOlsA A. (sHe cALls mE hAfsA T. bEfOrE), becAuSe aCcOrdiNg tO hEr..im cOmpLete nOw..bEcaUse oF "hUbbY".
nOw..itS nOrmAL fOr mE tO hEar thEm sAy.. "ui..in.lOve xA kAy hUbby, bUrgEr nAmAn jAn" oR "ui..nkitA nAmin c hUbbY..nkA.bLuE (or wAtevEr cOlOr hE's weAring). I actuALly find it fUn fOr mE siNcE it dOesn't dO aNy hArm, unlEss hE wOuLd fiNd oUt (hOpefUlLy nOt..dLi jUd qO mGpAkitA sA iLAha..if mbAL.an nLA ni..). bEsidEs wAt mOre cAn i aSk fOr..lYk wAt dOnn sAid "mAtaLino, mAbAit, mAyaMan..mAy itSuRa"... haha..wEird nGA lnG..
y i enjOy this sEmEstEr?! -
kApOi na kAau..huhu!
BIODIVERSITY!..wHew..whAt's with tHe quEstions?!..mAs okEi pA qNg pUmapasOk nA lng c siR..lEss gAstOs pA, mAs eNjoyAbLe..at hgit sa lhAt..wLang pAng.nOse.bLeed na qUestiOns,,haha!
ORGANIC CHEM..pnAka.eNjOyAbLe nA cHem evEr!haha..with aLl thE icE.brEakErs.. pEo nA tAgam nAq..pRamis..nExt exAm.. mAg.stUdy nAq..haha.. ShIT na rUbic's yAn..haha!
ENGLISH II..hMp..untiL nOw,,hNdi qU pA dN nAfifigUre.oUt qNg anU mGiging tOpiC qU sA tErm.pApEr..bUt at lEast..dAmi aQng cHoicEs..tHe mOre..thE mErriEr!haha.. i aLso lovE thE seLection..the onE thAt aRchy wrOte,,haha..lingaw abi..
ENGLISH III..orAL cOm..whEw..ALl thOse tOngUe twistErs! I dEfiniteLy lovE it..
at xEmprE aNg activitiEs aNd prEsentAtion..haha! evErybOdy knOws nMan na wE are BS BIO mAjor in any pResEntAtion..haha!
HISTORY V..nkakapanibAgO! Binan,binan,binan..oh yeah!..hAhA!
PHILO I..or AstrOnOmy?!cOnfUsinG?!
PE III..whEw..aNg gLing nA nAmin mG.bOwLing..haha!pEo tHeOries lnG.. nOthing whEn it cOmes tO thE rEal thinG..haha!
bUt i'd prEfEr hAvinG oL of thOse sUbjECts..rAthEr thAn hAving bOth aUnt lEtty aNd aUnt kELly agEn!wE nEed sOme bReak..haha!
Since Multiply decided to leave social networking, I have decided to evacuate my blogs in there (in all their glory, which translates to=sTicKy cAps). I used to write blogs using my mobile phone before and I text using sticky caps so I got stuck with the habit. LOL
The blogs were actually full of nonsense, but since I'm a sentimental person (NAKS!) I don't have the heart to just let it be deleted, forever and ever. I'd copy and paste 'em AS IS! No edits! Hahaha
Here we go....
The blogs were actually full of nonsense, but since I'm a sentimental person (NAKS!) I don't have the heart to just let it be deleted, forever and ever. I'd copy and paste 'em AS IS! No edits! Hahaha
Here we go....
30 Days Book Challenge - Day 28
Day 28 - A book you wish you never read
By answering this, I'm confessing a sin. LOL

Yes. Yes. Yes.
I've read it...but I haven't been able to finish it.
I feel so corrupted.
By answering this, I'm confessing a sin. LOL
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I've read it...but I haven't been able to finish it.
I feel so corrupted.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
30 Days Book Challenge - Day 27
Day 27 - Favorite Book in Young Adult Fiction
I am NOT going to say it's Graffiti Moon. I'd choose something different this time. Haha. It's actually part of my August 2012 reading list so I just read it recently. One of the best books I've read with VERY memorable characters.

Auggie is just so LOVABLE.
The book showed me how there is still good in every one of us.
I am NOT going to say it's Graffiti Moon. I'd choose something different this time. Haha. It's actually part of my August 2012 reading list so I just read it recently. One of the best books I've read with VERY memorable characters.
Auggie is just so LOVABLE.
The book showed me how there is still good in every one of us.
2NE1_0812_SBS Inkigayo_I LOVE YOU
2ne1's I Love You Goodbye Stage in Inkigayo.
Good thing Bommie and Minzy's voices are back.
Great stage. Great energy.
You can see how much the girls love what they're doing.
And the KBlackJacks surely love them back with those AWESOME fan chants.
The crowd was crazy.
I'd surely miss 2ne1. COME BACK soon Ladies! xxx
Sunday, August 5, 2012
30 Days Book Challenge - Day 26
Day 26 - Favorite book of your favorite writer.
Okay! Favorites! Goodness, I'm running out of answers in here. Yeap. I've read lots of books (not that I'm bragging) but I'm so sick of repeating myself since most of my favorite books came from my favorite authors. So. I dunno. Lemme think...think...think...
Aww yeah. I know. I'm collecting this series called "The Alphabet Series" written by Sue Grafton. And I do like Ms. Grafton. I just don't know if she's like...my favorite. Its just that I love Kinsey Millhone (that's the female heroine), I sometimes think that somewhere out there there's a real Kinsey Millhone living in some Santa Teresa town. So, since Ms. Millhone is a favorite, and she's a product of Ms. Grafton's great imagination, therefore it would be acceptable if Ms. Grafton will be a favorite too, right? Whatever!
So, I'd choose my favorite from the series:
There. Question answered!
Okay! Favorites! Goodness, I'm running out of answers in here. Yeap. I've read lots of books (not that I'm bragging) but I'm so sick of repeating myself since most of my favorite books came from my favorite authors. So. I dunno. Lemme think...think...think...
Aww yeah. I know. I'm collecting this series called "The Alphabet Series" written by Sue Grafton. And I do like Ms. Grafton. I just don't know if she's like...my favorite. Its just that I love Kinsey Millhone (that's the female heroine), I sometimes think that somewhere out there there's a real Kinsey Millhone living in some Santa Teresa town. So, since Ms. Millhone is a favorite, and she's a product of Ms. Grafton's great imagination, therefore it would be acceptable if Ms. Grafton will be a favorite too, right? Whatever!
So, I'd choose my favorite from the series:
There. Question answered!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Please Ignore Vera Dietz - A.S. King (The Quote Book 6)
Gave this book 4-stars on Goodreads, but the truth is I'm itching to give this one a 5. Now why? I'm a sucker for happy endings, and the end wasn't really bad or something. Vera was fine with her Dad, Charlie's name was cleared...but somehow, for me that wasn't enough. I just felt really bad that Charlie had to die (Of course he must, that's what the whole story is all about) without even telling Vera that he loved her (so much it scared him). Yes, Vera eventually found out because of a stupid note. BUT a NOTE isn't really enough for me (Gawd! I can't believe how demanding I am).
Okay, the characters.
Charlie...This guy confused me. A lot. I think I actually went in the same emotions as Vera. I fell in love with the guy, seriously, who wouldn't?! His eccentricity only adds to the attraction. (Even though napkin-eating is sort of, gross). I hated him too. For a lot of things. For being a coward. The guy should've just told Vera that he loved her. He should've just dealt with his feelings for his best friend and not ran away from it and seek some comfort with that Jenny Flick (UGH. Major UGH!).
Vera...I like the girl. And her guts. And her ability to use "big words" as Charlie puts it so wisely. lol
James...I dunno why, but I wasn't really into James. Just like Charlie, I also didn't want Vera to end up with him even though that guy was kind of, nice, actually. I just don't. Period.
Jenny Flick...Really. Just three words for this girl. I HATE HER.
I've been raving about this book a lot on Twitter. And there's a lot of good quotes in the book which I've posted in there...and I'm posting in here (again!)
"I'd rather feel something for real than pretend it's not what it is."
'i want to tell her that the only thing you get from walling yourself is empty'
'i missed him long before he was dead, and that's the bitch of it all. I missed him long before he was dead'
'but you're still my best friend, Veer. You'll always be' - Charlie Kahn to Vera Dietz
'i felt a mix of wanting to kill him and wanting to kiss him at the same time'
...but somehow it was that not-like-us that made me love Charlie more.'
'even in death, Charlie is frustrating as hell'
'loving Vera Dietz was the scariest thing that ever happened to me'
“Is it okay to hate a dead kid? Even if you loved him once? Even if he was my best friend? Is it okay to hate him for being dead?”
“The thing you don't see while you're still there on Earth is how easy it is to change your mind. When you're in it and you're mixed up with feelings, assumptions, influences, and misconceptions, things seem completely impossible to change. From here, you see that change is as easy as flicking a light switch in your brain.”
30 Days Book Challenge - Day 25
Day 25 - Favorite Title
I'm the type of reader who judges the book based on its title, so for me, a great title is really an attraction. I don't really have a favorite among all the books I've read, but maybe I'd select some which amused me.
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie: The title definitely summed up the whole book.
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? - Agatha Christie: The question which started it all. (In all fairness to Dame Christie, she really knows how to pick a good title)
Graffiti Moon - Cath Crowley: I simply love the title, it sounds so young and mysterious. Just like the book.
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak: Very catchy. Intriguing.
Para Kay B (o kung paano dinevastate ng pag-ibig ang 4 out of 5 sa atin) - Ricky Lee: Subtitle pa lang, sobrang benta na sa'kin. Plus, the title itself..Para Kay B...Hmmm (Let's just say that during the time this book was released, there is something special connected with the letter "B". Lmao. That's why me and my friends were definitely amused with this one)
I'm the type of reader who judges the book based on its title, so for me, a great title is really an attraction. I don't really have a favorite among all the books I've read, but maybe I'd select some which amused me.
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie: The title definitely summed up the whole book.
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? - Agatha Christie: The question which started it all. (In all fairness to Dame Christie, she really knows how to pick a good title)
Graffiti Moon - Cath Crowley: I simply love the title, it sounds so young and mysterious. Just like the book.
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak: Very catchy. Intriguing.
Para Kay B (o kung paano dinevastate ng pag-ibig ang 4 out of 5 sa atin) - Ricky Lee: Subtitle pa lang, sobrang benta na sa'kin. Plus, the title itself..Para Kay B...Hmmm (Let's just say that during the time this book was released, there is something special connected with the letter "B". Lmao. That's why me and my friends were definitely amused with this one)
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