August 05 - Monday
Finished reading Agatha Christie's Dead Man's Folly. This is the second time that I've read the book---and surprisingly, I'm still as ignorant as the first time. Cool right?! I guess it has something to do with the fact that I read fast, maybe that's why the memory is short-termed.
Another re-read was Sarah MacLean's One Good Earl Deserves a Lover---my favorite from the Rules of Scoundrels series. I love smart, and odd, and spinster heroines. I could relate. LOL. So, what made me want to read it again was after finishing A Rogue by any other name which is the first book of the series. I liked Penny, but not as much as Pippa. I also liked Temple---but based on reviews, I am quite hesitant in reading his book, but Chase's I can't hardly wait. The blurb is just---no words---awesome!
Finally caught up with A Dance With Dragons, I've been reading this book since March and I'm still at 65% (what the heck) I just hate Danaerys' POV. She annoys me---a lot. Too much Daario.
August 05 - Tuesday
(8:30 PM)
Early this morning, I continued reading Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends (started yesterday) and it's absolutely hilarous. Gahd, no wonder the man has a cult following---he's really good at what he's doing. I've only read Dirty Job---and I liked it, but I think I'm liking this one more. Is the Emperor on Dirty Job the same as the Emperor here?! Or am I imagining things again?! Anyways, yesternight I finished Katie West's On The Fence. Put a smile in my face---that book did. It was cute. Like poodles. Light read. Perfect for in-between reads.
So, need to get back to reading, just not sure if I'll continue BF---or choose another HR and pull an all-nighter---or face Hawking's A Brief.History of Time and read myself to sleep.
(10:00 PM)
Went back to reading Into The Woods by Tana French. The mystery is engaging, but Adam Ryan (the POV) is such a romantic. He keeps on romanticizing his relationship with Cassie Maddox, his partner. It just sounds so cheesy to me. That Katy Perry song that says: "you're so gay and you don't even like boys" is on the loop in my head everytime he describes his relationship with Cassie. Sam, the last part of the trio reminds me of Spencer Reid. I dunno why. Gahd. I miss Spence.
August 09 - Saturday
Since the last time I wrote, I finished Anne Gracie's A Perfect Waltz---she's good, but The Perfect Rake is STILL my favorite. Also re-read Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, Julia Quinn really is great---I'm almost tempted to re-read What Happens in London (my all-time fave Julia Quinn).
I'm also back to reading mangas.
Damn. I miss it. Catching up with another all-time favorite. I'm still at Volume 27 though---a long long long way to go.
Unfortunately for me, I haven't made any progress on In The Woods. At least I've read 2 chapters on ADWD. Not bad.
Oooh. I've also decided to read Shakespeare's complete works. I've read Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, and all The Sonnets. Not that I understood most of it. I get the general idea---but the details, oh well, it's Early Modern English. Looking forward to reading Shakespeare's one of a kind insults.
August 10 - Sunday
Just finished reading Julie Ann Long's What I Did For a Duke---and wow! I've been reading HR for the past few weeks but nothing has garnered this kind of reaction from me. I sobbed, for goodness' sake. I cry, yes---but sob? No. But this one, what Alex did, it'd hard to get over. There is also something on Long's writing which I very much like. This is my first Julie Ann Long and I look forward to reading her other works.